Through time, a curriculum vitae has been one of the most basic ways to impress an employer. Recruiters have largely depended on it and until today, applicants are still required to submit one when applying for a position. This bodes well for companies who are looking for candidates who need to be knowledgeable about a certain field. For example, a finance company looking for a certified accountant needs to see that the applicant has completed a degree in the field of accounting or finance, or that they have at least a certain number of years of experience to be considered qualified for the job. In digital marketing recruitment, however, things are more complicated. Applicants need to have the practical skills that would be compatible with a digital marketing company’s needs

Truth Hurts: A CV is just not enough!

In filling digital marketing vacancies, recruiters should understand that looking at a resume is simply not enough. The initial phone interview or submission of a curriculum vitae should always be followed up by examinations that will test the applicant’s true potential for output. Here are some practice tests which may be helpful to add to your digital recruitment process.

Digital Marketing Recruitment: Hiring Your Specialists

You might think that there’s no need to have an applicant go through various tests if they have already provided the information you need on their CV. But the truth is, even though they rated themselves ten out of ten on their knowledge in photoshop, this does not give you any guarantee that their creativity would blend well with your brand. To test their compatibility, here are some exam ideas you can give them before considering their application.

Content Writers

One of the most important roles in a digital marketing team is a content creator. Your content guys should be able to deliver the message brilliantly without boring your audience. The test should be able to determine the flexibility across all fields especially when the writer you are looking for will work with a client. 

Type of test

Ask them to write a short article about a topic that is applicable to the brand they will be working on. Determining the time frame of their writing for a specific number of words should also be considered. This does not only test their creative compatibility with your brand. It also tests their ability to submit a requirement on a required time frame.

Graphic Designers

Offering digital marketing opportunities to designers can be a tricky one. You should be able to assess how they were able to pull off the task. One technique is to require a portfolio to assess their work experience. Browsing through their previous work will definitely give you a sense of what tools they have mastered and the techniques they are used to doing. 

Type of test

Naturally, applicants would give you their best foot forward. Their portfolio would amaze you but it’s also important to test their flexibility and their ability to adapt. Give them a task that reflects your brand and a project that he or she would be normally doing once he or she joins your company. Setting a timeframe is also vital in this one. Remember to be considerate when giving a time frame. Always be realistic. Moreover, you can also look into their style and how they would adapt to different project requirements.

Video Editor

First, you have to assess what kind of video you would need from your applicant. Do you require 2D animation, a 3d animation, or a whiteboard animation? This would narrow down your selection for the best video editor for your team.

Type of test

Depending on the type of explainer video you would require, you can send a 15-seconder that would be normally asked of the video editor for future projects. This would give you an overview of he or she does the task using their own style. Definitely, this would also need to be done in a specific time frame.

New to Digital Marketing Recruitment? We Can Help!

Need help in hiring other roles? Here at HOPLA, we aim to hire only the best candidates suited for your brand. If you are in need of hiring only experts on certain digital marketing positions, give us a call today!