Being a digital marketing manager isn’t easy. With all the Internet noise you have to keep up with, all the workload you have to balance, there’s just simply no time for wellness. But keep in mind that you won’t be able to enjoy your success if you’re physically and mentally stressed!

Managing your precious time

Don’t you just feel like 24 hours in a day is just not enough to cover one day’s work? Being a digital marketing executive, there’s a lot of things you need to keep in mind. But in order for you to do this, you need to learn how to manage your time first.

Listing down your to-do list

Before you start your day, you should take a few minutes to write down what you want to achieve for the day to reach the big goal. This will help you put things into perspective and gradually move forward to your end goal.

As you list the things you need to do, you have to assess which tasks need your attention more and which ones need prioritizing. For example, you have to analyze your A/B testing versus sending out a tweet for your page’s account. Maybe it’s better if you take time first and look into which content interests your audience more. This will help you strategize your next social media content plan more effectively.

Eliminating the distractions

Yes, it is true that part of the role of a digital marketing manager is being updated with the latest trends, keeping it social, and being always in the loop. However, you need to be mindful to get away with all the distractions that surround you. You need to be able to identify which online noise are keeping you distracted and impair you to getting the job done.

Some helpful tips:

  • Set up a work station where you can focus
  • Keep the door closed in this workstation
  • Put other unnecessary apps on silent (or turn off notifications!)
  • Keep your online status busy so fewer people can bother you

Delegate some tasks

Thanks to the internet, businesses are now able to hire someone for a much affordable price without having to pay for overhead expenses, employee benefits, and office equipment. Outsourcing is not a new concept to digital marketing jobs at all. Businesses usually hire an agency or freelancers to outsource their marketing needs.

Of course, being a digital manager does not exempt you from the heavy workload of the corporate world. There are taxes you need to take care of, clients you need to reach out to, projects you need some extra hands on. There are various tasks you can outsource to agencies or freelancers ranging from administrative tasks to even online marketing tasks.

Boosting your creativity

Choosing the right atmosphere and working environment

Although creativity and motivation is a combination of various elements, there are some office designs and workstation layouts that induce more of these creative juices from your brain. Definitely, there is no specific design that fits everyone. For example, there are some people who like working inside a coffee shop or a co-working space. For some, they like it when they work alone and being in a quiet place helps them concentrate more on the projects they have to complete.

Eating creativity-boosting food

Yes, you read it right! There are, in fact, food which helps you boost your creativity. Being creative is hand in hand with the chemicals in the brain that keeps you focused and concentrated. Intense brainstorming can tire our brains out and drain our creativity. This is why you need certain nutrients in moderate amounts to keep your brain energized.

Injecting humor once in a while

You know what they say, ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’. The same concept applies in digital marketing where you need to sharpen your creativity. When everything’s about desk work and you make no room for laughter, you will be stuck thinking inside the box.

Quick Health Tips

Since you’re going to spend most of your time on your desk, you still need to make time to keep a healthy and active lifestyle. The job of a Digital Marketing Manager requires a lot of time in front of a laptop and may result in dangerous health problems in the future.

Embrace a few changes

You don’t need to jump on a change that will affect your life forever. It could be as simple as breaking out of your routine for a day. For example, you could take a different route on your way to work. You can also redesign your office if you are setting up a home office. Try working in a different setting. Go to a coffee shop or renting a seat inside a coworking space! Not only will this bring you a fresh perspective, but it will also help you meet a lot of people and open up a lot of opportunities in the process.

Engage in regular exercise

Sitting down for hours may strain your back, optic nerves, and other parts of your body because of lack of movement. A good 30-40 minutes of exercise daily can boost your metabolism, helping your brain cells to regenerate, giving you more energy for the weekly grind.

You can also take several breaks from your desks once in a while throughout the day. Take a 10-15 minute stroll around the block or a desk stretch on your workstation to help your muscle loosen a little bit. This will help your blood circulation in the process.

Finding a hard time working as a Digital Marketing Manager?

The Digital Marketing Industry is exciting and fun but it does get stressful at times. To combat it, you must learn how to properly manage your time, learn your priorities and keep a healthy lifestyle to support your passion. Here at HOPLA, we also want to keep your passion alive in the world of Digital Marketing. Our team of experts is trained to help your business achieve its maximum potential and give you more time to focus on your business and still keep a healthy lifestyle. Want to know how? Ask us today!