There are tons of ways to get noticed by the public. You could hire a celebrity worth at least half a million dollars for a TV ad to endorse your product. Another option is getting your brand a corner on a magazine. You could also allocate a budget for a gigantic billboard along a freeway to get the people to notice your brand. All options are pretty expensive, honestly speaking. But what if there are cheaper options such as hiring an online community manager to build your presence online?

With people getting more dependent on their mobile phones, businesses must tap on this robust market. Brands must take advantage of the internet’s capability to provide an interactive experience with your audience. Here are ways on how your brand can benefit from hiring an online community manager.

Pulling off a sassy response

Nobody ever talks about a brand that is boring. If your product is too square, unless you are offering something as good as an elixir of everlasting life, your online presence will get drowned in the pool of competitors. Let’s take a look at Wendy’s shady comeback to someone who posted about Burger King.

Wendy’s online community manager is the queen of sass and everyone seems to enjoy it! Their social media marketing technique works like wonders and continues to entertain its followers on Twitter.

Have a dedicated person to create funny and engaging posts

In contrary to the motto of most B2C businesses today, Pop-tarts beg to differ with “The customer is always right” shenanigans. The pastry brand stated their sentiments after a user tweeted about how people from Oklahoma eat their Pop-tarts.

In this situation, Pop-tarts just felt the need to stand up for their toasted pastry and speak up about this food travesty.

Add a human touch to your brand

What’s more human than being offended and being emotionally exposed to the public? Moonpie, a vintage snack cake, is amazing at this. They have been gaining attention all over Twitter and their community manager looks like he’s having a blast at keeping the account active as well!

Moonpie also joined the conversation during the time when everybody was going crazy about the 280-character testing on Twitter. The brand’s social media marketing strategy is definitely effective in staying current and updated with the latest online buzz.

Keeps your content fresh and current

Partnering with a social media agency and hiring a dedicated online community manager allows your brand to stay updated on the latest viral trends online. A person dedicated to keeping your brand’s social media presence active can focus on keeping an eye on worldwide trends. You can put this person in charge of putting your brand out there in the social scene.

For keeping it current, Smirnoff is a model brand. Having a quick-witted community manager gives the brand a fun exposure by joining the conversation about the latest news. Check out Smirnoff’s contribution to Megan Markle and Prince Harry’s talked about the royal wedding.

Make use of user-generated content

A great way to conserve ideas is to collect materials from followers and creating user-generated content. Also, your brand can benefit from this because you can get a lot of engagements using this type of content. Some posts you can share include photos of people with your product, reposting Instagram stories of your followers, etc.

Greggs, the largest bakery chain in the UK, reposts pictures of their followers and adds witty responses. Check out one of the funny posts shared by the bakery chain.

Humanize your brand with an Online Community Manager

As social media becomes the top medium for reaching your audience, it’s about time you get out of your comfort zone and add a little character to your brand’s reputation. Your business needs a dedicated person to stay on top of the latest trends and keep your audience entertained. At this stage of your business where your company needs you the most, it is ideal that you partner with a social media agency that offers a dedicated online community manager to maintain your web presence. Contact us today and let’s talk about the growth of your business!