Remote Work Position: Saving Yourself From Isolation
- Hopla Jobs,

Remote Work Position: Saving Yourself From Isolation
Believe it or not, there was a time wherein a remote work position was just a dream. Imagine all employees of big corporations having to brave the traffic coming into the office, doing tasks they could have done at home. Luckily, times have changed and remote jobs have been rampant worldwide. As a matter of fact, there are companies like HOPLA that open remote work position for qualified workers. Gone are the days that telecommuting jobs are seen as “lazy” and “inefficient”. Lately, it’s been a popular trend that’s showing no signs of stopping anytime soon.
The Concept of the Remote Work
Let’s dive into the “what” of it all. Basically, a telecommuting job is an arrangement made by both the employer and the employee where the staff works anywhere other than the office. Usually, the worker delivers his tasks at home or any place, as long as there’s a stable internet connection. The worker is required to communicate with his employer through email and calls.
Apparently, having remote jobs be as accepted as it is now required some work. Just a short decade ago, large organizations would be horrified about the idea of having their employees out of the four walls of the office on a workday. Technology’s absence was the leading cause of worry. Before, getting in touch with each other proved to be a hassle when the only means accessible were phone calls, pagers, or fax machines. Luckily, with the advent of technology and faster Internet access, important meetings and consultations can be done wherever the person may be in the world. Videoconferences are as effective as in-person meetings and an e-mail can prove to be as effective as a face-to-face conversation.
Perks of Work From Home Set-up
There’s quite a hefty number of advantages that come with working from home. These three are the most obvious ones:
- Comfort – Doing what you love while wearing what you want is a dream perk. Imagine, you get to stay in your sweatpants all day as you successfully slave over a deadline you need to meet. Not only that, but you also get to choose where you work effectively increasing the possibility of trips and travels.
- Productivity – Remote jobs do not only benefit the employee but the employer as well. Productivity is increased by a ton since no time is wasted commuting for hours. And we can all believe that time is money! This is especially important for startups who are definitely running on a stretched budget. Indeed, the more work that gets done, the happier both ends will be.
- Salary – Remote jobs can offer impressive and competitive salaries depending on the job function. And it’s not only for a few fields. A remote job that’s thought that everyone thought could not be done out of the office, see: Remote Project Manager, has been in demand lately.
A sense of belonging in a remote job
While the concept and the advantages that come with having a remote role might seem like a great deal, online isolation is a very real problem that needs to be taken care of. Online isolation can mean getting a bit lonely due to a lack of personal interaction which may lead to getting out-of-touch from reality or even depression.
To escape the brink of these dark days, you can apply these tips and get the best of both worlds.
Visit co-working spaces
You know what they say: if you can’t beat ‘em, join ’em. Your neighborhood must be swarming with co-working spaces filled with like-minded individuals who luckily snatched a remote work position. Being surrounded by people who are going through the same things will make you feel less alone and more accepted. You can also take advantage of co-working spaces and cafes to create a network of specialists in different fields whom you can turn to in your future endeavors.
If communicating over the Internet is more of your style, try networking and learn a thing or two along the way! Social media makes connecting easier than it ever was before. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn significant information you can acquire from people who are in the same position. Give each other helpful tips and establish a mutual relationship where both parties gain. Reaching out might seem intimidating but the only way to be heard is to speak up.
Expand your horizons
Take advantage of the added comfort and time you save in a remote work setting. Learning a new skill or taking up a new hobby would be ideal and productive. After you’ve finished all your deadlines for the day, make an effort to go out and unwind. Be it with a simple dinner with friends or taking up a class, make sure to make your free time worthwhile. Don’t let yourself get stuck in a rut by skipping these opportunities. The world hasn’t stopped just because you’ve started working from home.
Move about!
The sedentary lifestyle isn’t ideal for anybody, especially for the telecommuter. Since you spend most of the day slouched over a chair with your kitchen in close proximity, your health condition might not be as great as it used to be. Practice effective time management and put on your running shoes or pick up sports equipment after work. Start sweating and start releasing those endorphins!
HOPLA Promotes Inclusion
Inclusion and involvement in a remote work setting might be difficult in perspective. But with HOPLA, this isn’t only a possibility but a guarantee. Composed of qualified remote teams enjoying the perks of work-life balance, HOPLA remains to deliver quality outputs whilst giving professionals the freedom to work at their own pace. Not to mention, we train our remote staff to treat every client projects as if they own the company they are working with. With the genuine intention professionals put in accomplishing their tasks, they promise nothing but success.
Have the best of both worlds and start your HOPLA journey today!