Internet Content Moderators Save Businesses At All Costs
- Content moderation,
- Content moderator,

Internet Content Moderators Save Businesses At All Costs
Most customers look up the web for reviews when they learned about a new store or product. It goes the same when someone looking for a specific service stumbles upon your business. Internet content moderators come in handy in maintaining an impressive online profile to magnet curious customers to trust your brand.
Online reputation and content moderation
Online and reputation and content moderation merge together in building an impressive and decent online business profile. Warren Buffett said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.” In the digital society where customer feedback can come at a second, be it through ratings of personal client testimonial posted on their personal social media account, online reputation can suffer in an instant.
Let’s look back at these brands who have undergone a huge crisis in the previous years and the lessons we can take from them.
- British Airways. In 2017, British Airways encountered a system meltdown which caused flight cancellations and triggered negative reactions from stranded passengers. Disappointed passengers expressed their anger and frustration on social media after the authorities released an advisory update video on the systems issues instead of dealing with their queries real-time. Those unanswered questions could have been a great opportunity for their online moderator to assist and interact with customers as a way of showing concern.
- Chipotle. Chipotle faced an E-coli outbreak in 2015 which lasted in 2016 and instantly spread across several states. This resulted in an 82% decrease in sales and a decline in the stock market. Chipotle CEO Monty Moran asserted how the mainstream media sensationalized the issue which put Chipotle’s reputation in a worse situation. While there could be a slight ray of truth in his statement, pin-pointing seems not an admirable approach in handling a crisis.
- United Airlines. United Airlines received a backlash after a video of a passenger being forcefully dragged out of the plane went viral. This happened after the flight was announced overbooked asking 4 of its passengers to give up their seats. Investigations revealed that the seats were being saved for the airline’s own employees. United Airlines CEO then released an apology “for having to re-accommodate” the passengers but still defended the actions of the flight crew involved. This enraged more social media users followed by the news that the passenger suffered serious facial damage.
Events like this could be truly nerve-racking. It only takes one wrong move, post, or tweet to shoo away your loyal clientele. There’s no escape from the prying eyes of the criticizing public when a brand commits an undesirable act. This goes especially hard to control when a brand offended a minority group or race of people. The internet will never forget such unfavorable circumstances unless you bury it through necessary actions.
Dealing with brand reputation crisis can be challenging enough for PR agencies who can only do so much than releasing a statement of apology. Internet content moderators take care of the rest.
Internet content moderators save brands at all costs
Regardless of the size of a controversy, it is a must to respond swiftly, honestly, and quickly before it blows up and explodes into something worse. While internet content moderators seem to be the protectors of businesses from user-generated content that can potentially harm the brand, the ultimate purpose of content moderation is to save both business and customers from harmful and provocative content.
Obviously, a one-star rating on Google, Facebook, Tripadvisor, or Yelp will not boost your status. Work on making it better through the help of internet content moderators. Gather as many positive reviews as possible that will cover the past mistakes of ignoring or mishandling a crisis (lucky if you never had one in the past!).
An internet content moderator does not only guard your social media sites, but they also take responsibility for your website and other existing platforms to keep your brand safe from any dispute. Google content moderators work their magic on perfuming your brand and aspire to reach your desired success in no time.
A reliable team of internet content moderators
Despite online moderators having their fair share of workplace dilemma, content moderation services like HOPLA never stop in helping to create a digital society safe for all users. Driven by passion and dedication, we establish fair rules and regulations to our keep internet content moderators physically and mentally sane throughout their stay with us. We have established a smart way to manage our people to be a responsible and reliable ally of our clients during critical times. Book one of our best internet content moderators today!