HOPLA: Beyond The Usual Outsourcing Services Provider
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HOPLA: Beyond The Usual Outsourcing Services Provider
When companies search for an outsourcing services provider, they are often inundated with a wealth of options. The list of outsourcing companies grows by the day especially as the market demand grows. Trying to filter through the list of major companies that outsource can be challenging, given that many of them provide similar services and answer to different needs.
The BPO Services Boom
Everything from virtual assistants to online content moderators has become part of most BPO services for dozens of companies. With the advent of more remote technology and collaborative software, more outsourcing services are cropping up. It is also important to factor in the freelancers who operate free-range, with their own list of service. These individual workers often find their work on major freelancing sites like Fiverr and Upwork.
Finding an outsourcing services provider can get overwhelming for a company, whether they are lean or large. A cost-efficient, accessible destination for the most commonly outsourced services in the market is the goal. There are many risks involved in hiring outsourced work. Companies want the best performance for the cost, reliable staff, and a provider that goes above and beyond. That’s where HOPLA comes in.
The HOPLA Edge
Ultimately, the goal of most types of outsourcing services is to reduce a company’s overhead cost while making use of the talent available online. But a number of things set HOPLA’s methodology apart from most service providers:
- Global talents – Providers like MyTasker (a virtual assistant company based in India) and Okay Relax (a similar company in the Philippines) are based on a single country. It constricts workers to certain time zones and it can be difficult communicating with them through this gap. However, HOPLA gathers talents worldwide. HOPLA is an outsourcing service provider that is able to adapt and adjust to a company’s needs.
- No overhead costs – Major companies that outsource, like Accenture, often have their own buildings and offices. The upkeep of these offices is factored into the prices of their services. HOPLA’s fleets of talented individuals work remotely or from home, eliminating overhead costs of building maintenance and office space. Client companies won’t have to pay costs that consider these budgets.
- Specialized teams – For a number of companies, they have a standard list of services and procedures. They typically deploy a standard team from their company’s roster. HOPLA on the other hand carefully curates and screens individuals based on their skills to make sure they are the best fit for a company or a client. This ensures that the remote workers in a team are all specially selected to function well for a client company’s needs.
Outsourcing Services Provider vs the Freelancers
Freelancers may have similar advantages. They can come from anywhere in the world and they work remotely, which means that they don’t have to factor in office space either. However, HOPLA has an edge in that both companies and workers will benefit from a mutually beneficial agreement.
As it’s not a freelance worker website or a job auction site, workers don’t have to bid on the job. In addition, HOPLA provides workers with a sense of security and consistency. This ensures that workers get to focus on their work for the best quality output. In addition, companies that turn to HOPLA as an outsourcing services provider won’t have to worry about being “ghosted” by a freelancer. Companies will be able to enjoy constant, consistent output for their needs without worrying about being left in the lurch.
Overall, while there are many major outsourcing services out in the market today, none of them has the model and method that HOPLA can provide. It’s a beneficial relationship between client and talent which spans a global range. Also is security and reliability on both sides of the agreement, leading to the best work from both ends. Finally, it is sustainable, allowing both parties to grow and develop further, all at an accessible cost.
To learn more about how HOPLA is reshaping the outsourcing services industry, head on to Hopla Online and discover what else the company can do for yours.